In the Dark Wiki
In the Dark Wiki

There is a problem with parsing the infobox Dean Riley was a main character on In the Dark.


A detective with the Chicago P.D. Dean is the father of Chloe, and one of the only people who resonates — and sympathizes — with Murphy given his daughter is also blind. However, he murdered her friend Tyson Parker and only revealed it at the end of the first season. Focused on taking down Nia, Dean endangered Murphy's life with no thought of the consequences. In the episode my pride and joy Dean Riley shot himself in front of Murphy after the cops found 50 stacks of heroin in his trunk "I did everything for Chloe"

Throughout the series[]

Deam Riley was a husband and proud father of a daughter named Chloe. However, that all came crashing down when his family got into a terrible car accident that killed his wife and permanently blinded his daughter. Because of the medical bills Dean decided to work for Nia Bailey a drug lord who offered to pay him a good deal of money for information to avoid the police. However, one of Nia's guys Tyson Parker would find out that Dean was working for her when he was late to make a drop. Tyson would be arrested for possession along with another drug dealer named Wesley. Dean would have the charges dropped. However, Tyson would later contact him again. This was because Wesley thought he was a snitch because he did more time than him. Tyson was going to tell Wesley the truth about Dean. However, Dean couldn't let that happen so in panic he strangled Tyson out. Murphy Mason would come to the alley but because she was blind, she was unable to see Dean. When Murphy, left Dean would then put Tyson in a dumpster but at that moment he woke up. With Tyson starting to scream Dean would shoot Tyson in the head to silence him and then tossed the gun under the dumpster. Murphy would later contact Dean and his partner Jules to see what happened to Tyson. Dean would later meet Murphy again in Guiding Hope. Dean would put himself into this investigation but only to make sure nobody finds out that he killed Tyson. He would eventually frame, Darnell James. Jules would start investigating a little to closes which would cause Dean to tell Nia about it. Nia would then have one her men, Samantha Rogers kill Jules and made it look like she overdosed on drugs. However, Dean and Murphey would start having feelings for one another and Murphy would later confront Dean telling him that she knows that he killed Tyson. Dean would confess and Murphy would record it. The two would fight inside Dean's car which caused it to crash. Murphy would give the tape and thought that Dean would go to prison, however Dean would convince his boss to let him go on the conidiation that he would bring in Nia Bailey. However, that was easier said than done because Nia would find out about the killing of Tyson which would cause Nia to make sure that Dean would not take her down. Dean would be assigned a new partner, Gene. Together Dean and Gene would try to find a way to bust Nia. However, this meant that he bumped into Murphy who now worked for Nia by using Guiding Hope as a front. Dean would take a large supply of drugs that Murphy and the gang had planned to give to another drug lord Josiah. Dean would use it as leverage and forced Murphy to come with him. Dean had Murphy come to his house to put up a nice show for his daughter, giving her an explanation as to why Murphy hadn't come around often. However, what Dean didn't know was that the cops had been called they found large bricks of drugs in Dean's car. Dean panics while Murphy just tells him to turn himself in. Dean would then realize that Chole is not in the house to which Murphy tells him that she had Chole leave the house and told her what kind of person Dean really is. However, Dean didn't want to face Chole when she finds out what he did. Dean would pull out his gun and shoot himself, with Murphy both shocked and stunned.
